- BAGS : (Very) Small backpacks, fanny packs, purses, empty Camelbaks
- Portable Chairs that do not exceed 34 x 20 x 36 inches – must be attended to at all times
- Disposable Cameras
- Sealed Bottled Water (x1)
The following Items will be confiscated before being allowed entry (items can be picked up on way out):
- DSLR cameras – they will be confiscated unless you are listed as MEDIA
- Any outside food or drink
- Flow toys
- Glow sticks
- Hula Hoops
- Promotional material for other events
- Small pocket knives
- Pepper spray
The following items must be confiscated and will result in DENIAL OF ENTRY:
- Weapons of any kind (Firearms, large knives, etc.)
- Illicit Substances
Acceptable Forms of Identification
- Any US government issued driver’s license or ID card containing birth date and photograph
- US or foreign-government issued passport containing birth date and photograph
- Temporary DMV documents proving you are currently renewing your license – ONLY is accompanied by passport or expired license
Are ØFFLINE Events open to all ages?
- No, ØFFLINE events are 18+ and we will be checking ID at the door
Can I leave the show and come back?
- No, once you scan your ticket, you will not be able to come and go with re-entry.
Can I bring food in?
- No, there will be food trucks at the event. However, we will allow small sealed snacks if you have a medical reason.
Where can I purchase tickets?
- You can purchase tickets on the RA event page. If the show sells out, we highly encourage you to continuously check the RA site for resales, as well as joining the DEF Official Ticket Exchange on Facebook. Please DO NOT purchase tickets from anywhere else. DEF does not have a guest list. DEF does not have promoters. DEF is not a promoter. If you have any questions about resales or ticketing inquiries, please contact info@def-team.com
I purchased an Early Bird Ticket. What does that mean?
- Early Bird tickets are guaranteed entry before 9pm. We ask that you purchase these tickets to show up before that time. We understand that shit happens and if for some reason you are not able to enter before 9pm, you will still be allowed into the venue. Early Bird tickets show support for earlier sets and also make it a smoother night to get everyone through the door in a timely manner.
- Grace period until 9:15, then charged additional $5.
ADA Seating
If you need ADA seating and assistance, please contact info@def-team.com prior to show. DEF Staff will be able to assist and create space on a riser for you.